Nyepi | The Balinese Day of Silence

Nyepi | The Balinese Day of Silence

Nyepi is a Balinese Hindu holiday that is observed annually on the island of Bali, Indonesia. It is also known as the "Day of Silence" because of the strict rules that are observed during the day. The holiday is usually celebrated in March or April, depending on the...

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Rahajeng Nyanggra Rahina Galungan & Kuningan

Rahajeng Nyanggra Rahina Galungan & Kuningan

Om Swastiastu! Galungan is a vibrant and significant Balinese Hindu festival that celebrates the victory of dharma (good) over adharma (evil). Lasting for ten days, it marks the triumph of Lord Indra and the gods over the demonic forces led by King Mayadenawa. The...

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